08-21-2022 Hosea 1:2-11 Week 2
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08-21-2022 Hosea 1:2-11 Week 2
The Father’s Family
1. The Command – Hosea 1:2
2. The Children – Hosea 1:3
a. Jezreel – Hosea 1:4-5
2 Kings 9:4-10
2 Kings 1-:28-31
b. No Mercy – Hosea 1:6
Exodus 34:4-7
c. Not My People – Hosea 1:7-8
Exodus 6:6-8
3. The Commitment – Hosea 1:10
a. Reviving Multiplication
Genesis 22:15-18
b. Reversal of Not My People – Hosea 1:10
c. Reunion of Israel and Judah – Hosea 1:11
d. Reconciliation To The Lord – Hosea 2:1
The Gospel In Hosea
John 11:49-53
Romans 9:22-26