10-16-2022 – Hosea Week 8 – Tearing and Healing
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10-16-2022 – Hosea Week 8 – Tearing and Healing
Hosea 5:8
Tearing and Healing
1. The Lord Tears Apart
Hosea 5:9-15
Hosea 6:1
2. The Lord Can Heal
Hosea 6:2-4
3. The People Will Not Return
a. Their Devotion is Fleeting
b. Their Sin is Exposed
Hosea 6:5-6
c. Their Heart Is Far From Yahweh
Hosea 6:7
4. The People Are Sinners
a. Adam (City)
Joshua 3:14-17
Hosea 6:8
b. Gilead
Hosea 6:9
c. Shechum
Hosea 6:10
The Gospel In Hosea
Romans 3:9-17